Neural Network Cheat Sheet

Neural Networks Cheat Sheet. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot. Tech Cheat Sheets CLOUD Big data & Ai Cheat Sheets for AI, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Big Data & Deep Learning I have been collecting AI cheat sheets for the last few months, and I’ve been sharing them with friends and colleagues from time to time. Recently, a lot of inquiries concerning the same sheets Continue reading 'Cheat Sheets for AI, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Big.


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Check out this collection of high-quality deep learning cheat sheets, filled with valuable, concise information on a variety of neural network-related topics. Of data science for kids. Or 50% off hardcopy. By Matthew Mayo, KDnuggets. Shervine Amidi, graduate student at Stanford, and Afshine Amidi, of MIT and Uber - creators of a recent set of. I have researched for more than 35 days to find out all the cheatsheets on machine learning, deep learning, data mining, neural networks, big data, artificial intelligence, python, Tensorflow, scikit-learn, etc from all over the web. To make it easy for all users, I have zipped over 100+ Cheat sheets and shared it in this post. By Afshine Amidi and Shervine Amidi Overview. Architecture of a traditional RNN Recurrent neural networks, also known as RNNs, are a class of neural networks that allow previous outputs to be used as inputs while having hidden states.


Deep Learning


neupy.algorithms.MomentumMomentum algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.GradientDescentMini-batch Gradient Descent algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.AdamAdam algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.AdamaxAdaMax algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.RMSPropRMSProp algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.AdadeltaAdadelta algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.AdagradAdagrad algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.ConjugateGradientConjugate Gradient algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.QuasiNewtonQuasi-Newton algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LevenbergMarquardtLevenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a variation of the Newton’s method.
neupy.algorithms.HessianHessian gradient decent optimization, also known as Newton’s method.
neupy.algorithms.HessianDiagonalAlgorithm that uses calculates only diagonal values from the Hessian matrix and uses it instead of the Hessian matrix.
neupy.algorithms.RPROPResilient backpropagation (RPROP) is an optimization algorithm for supervised learning.
neupy.algorithms.IRPROPPlusiRPROP+ is an optimization algorithm for supervised learning.


neupy.algorithms.l1Applies l1 regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.
neupy.algorithms.l2Applies l2 regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.
neupy.algorithms.maxnormApplies max-norm regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.

Learning rate update rules

neupy.algorithms.step_decayAlgorithm minimizes learning step monotonically after each iteration.
neupy.algorithms.exponential_decayApplies exponential decay to the learning rate.
neupy.algorithms.polynomial_decayApplies polynomial decay to the learning rate.

Neural Networks with Radial Basis Functions (RBFN)

neupy.algorithms.GRNNGeneralized Regression Neural Network (GRNN).
neupy.algorithms.PNNProbabilistic Neural Network (PNN).

Autoasociative Memory

neupy.algorithms.DiscreteBAMDiscrete BAM Network with associations.
neupy.algorithms.CMACCerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) Network based on memory.
neupy.algorithms.DiscreteHopfieldNetworkDiscrete Hopfield Network.

Competitive Networks

neupy.algorithms.ART1Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1) Network for binary data clustering.
neupy.algorithms.GrowingNeuralGasGrowing Neural Gas (GNG) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.SOFMSelf-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM or SOM).
neupy.algorithms.LVQLearning Vector Quantization (LVQ) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ2Learning Vector Quantization 2 (LVQ2) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ21Learning Vector Quantization 2.1 (LVQ2.1) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ3Learning Vector Quantization 3 (LVQ3) algorithm.

Neural Network Cheat Sheet Printable


neupy.algorithms.OjaOja is an unsupervised technique used for the dimensionality reduction tasks.
neupy.algorithms.KohonenKohonen Neural Network used for unsupervised learning.
neupy.algorithms.InstarInstar is a simple unsupervised Neural Network algorithm which detects associations.
neupy.algorithms.HebbRuleNeural Network with Hebbian Learning.

Boltzmann Machine

neupy.algorithms.RBMBoolean/Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM).


Layers with activation function

neupy.layers.LinearLayer with linear activation function.
neupy.layers.SigmoidLayer with the sigmoid used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.HardSigmoidLayer with the hard sigmoid used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.TanhLayer with the hyperbolic tangent used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.ReluLayer with the rectifier (ReLu) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.LeakyReluLayer with the leaky rectifier (Leaky ReLu) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.EluLayer with the exponential linear unit (ELU) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.PReluLayer with the parametrized ReLu used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.SoftplusLayer with the softplus used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.SoftmaxLayer with the softmax activation function.

Convolutional layers

neupy.layers.ConvolutionConvolutional layer.
neupy.layers.DeconvolutionDeconvolution layer (also known as Transposed Convolution.).

Recurrent layers

neupy.layers.LSTMLong Short Term Memory (LSTM) Layer.
neupy.layers.GRUGated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Layer.

Pooling layers

neupy.layers.MaxPoolingMaximum pooling layer.
neupy.layers.AveragePoolingAverage pooling layer.
neupy.layers.UpscaleUpscales input over two axis (height and width).
neupy.layers.GlobalPoolingGlobal pooling layer.

Normalization layers

neupy.layers.BatchNormBatch normalization layer.
neupy.layers.GroupNormGroup Normalization layer.
neupy.layers.LocalResponseNormLocal Response Normalization Layer.

Stochastic layers

neupy.layers.DropoutDropout layer.
neupy.layers.GaussianNoiseAdd gaussian noise to the input value.
neupy.layers.DropBlockDropBlock, a form of structured dropout, where units in a contiguous region of a feature map are dropped together.

Merge layers

neupy.layers.ElementwiseLayer merges multiple input with elementwise function and generate single output.
neupy.layers.ConcatenateConcatenate multiple inputs into one.
neupy.layers.GatedAverageLayer uses applies weighted elementwise addition to multiple outputs.

Other layers

neupy.layers.InputLayer defines network’s input.
neupy.layers.IdentityPasses input through the layer without changes.
neupy.layers.ReshapeLayer reshapes input tensor.
neupy.layers.TransposeLayer transposes input tensor.
neupy.layers.EmbeddingEmbedding layer accepts indices as an input and returns rows from the weight matrix associated with these indices.


Additional operations that can be performed on the layers or graphs

neupy.layers.join(*networks)Sequentially combines layers and networks into single network.
neupy.layers.parallel(*networks)Merges all networks/layers into single network without joining input and output layers together.
neupy.layers.repeat(network_or_layer, n)Function copies input n - 1 times and connects everything in sequential order.


Neural Network Architecture Cheat Sheet

neupy.architectures.vgg16VGG16 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.vgg19VGG19 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.squeezenetSqueezeNet network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.resnet50ResNet50 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.mixture_of_expertsGenerates mixture of experts architecture from the set of networks that has the same input and output shapes.

Parameter initialization

neupy.init.ConstantInitialize parameter that has constant values.
neupy.init.NormalInitialize parameter sampling from the normal distribution.
neupy.init.UniformInitialize parameter sampling from the uniform distribution.
neupy.init.OrthogonalInitialize matrix with orthogonal basis.
neupy.init.HeNormalKaiming He parameter initialization method based on the normal distribution.
neupy.init.HeUniformKaiming He parameter initialization method based on the uniformal distribution.
neupy.init.XavierNormalXavier Glorot parameter initialization method based on normal distribution.
neupy.init.XavierUniformXavier Glorot parameter initialization method based on uniform distribution.


neupy.datasets.load_digitsReturns dataset that contains discrete digits.
neupy.datasets.make_digitsReturns discrete digits dataset.
neupy.datasets.make_reberGenerate list of words valid by Reber grammar.
neupy.datasets.make_reber_classificationGenerate random dataset for Reber grammar classification.

Artificial Intelligence is the buzzword that surrounds societies, companies and the public – being predicted as THE BUZZWORD for the upcoming year. But what is artificial intelligence in particular? Ramya has wrapped up a “Cheat Sheet” for you to check and maybe also update your knowledge on A.I. and Neural Nets.

Important to understand that neural nets in fact suffer from black box issues. That is, you cannot infer how a neural net obtains it’s results. So, being with a semantic project based on language and words or an illustrative project based on pictures, neural nets will not be able to tell you how the result was generated. Or are there workarounds? See for yourself.

Neural Network Cheat Sheet

About the Author: Ramya Raghuraman

Ramya currently pursues her Master’s degree in Data Analytics, specializing in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, from University of Hildesheim in Hildesheim (Germany) and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communication from Kumaraguru College of Technology (India). She also has a year’s experience working as a PL/SQL developer at Accenture Solutions (Bangalore).

“I was always amazed to see how technology gradually evolved; filling the gaps in all dimensions of human’s life. Even in my prime, playing with numbers always made me inquisitive! This small spark, has now transformed into the desire towards understanding the behavioral traits in analytics. My passion to explore the realms of Data Science and enthusiasm to unbox the concepts of Machine Learning, pushed me to start a career in these fields. Using today’s plethora of data and cutting edge technologies, helping organizations make optimized decisions has never been easier.”


You can download the entire Neural Networks Cheat Sheet here: Download Cheat Sheet


Neural Network Software

Sources: Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash