
Some projects will require you to submit a Pull Request (PR) to their repository. You do this by forking the repo, making changes in a feature branch in your fork, then submitting the PR to the original project.

Gitify gives our team the ability to receive instant desktop notifications whenever something happens within Github and provides a UI that aggregates notifications in a single, streamlined place. It probably comes as no big surprise that we also use our own tool—TeamGantt—to get things done. Gitify GitHub チーム開発 GitHub でチーム開発している時に以下のような見逃しがよく発生していました. 「 さんにプルリクエストにコメントしたけど,返事が全然返って来ない.というかコメントしたの気づいてなさそう」 「あぁ!.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll fork the Fred Starter Theme which is intended to be a Bootstrap 4 quickstart for theme builders. Start by signing into Github.

Fork and clone to a MODX instance

To start with PRs, you need to fork a repository and work on feature branches before you can submit PRs successfully.

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1. Fork a repository

Fork the repository you wish to contribute to on Github: For example, visit the Fred Theme Starter and click the fork button in the upper right.

Click the down-arrow on the green Clone or download button on a source Github project and copy the HTTPS URL which looks like for use later. You’ll also need your fork’s SSH URL, found in the same location, for example

2. Clone your fork to your MODX instance

Because git clone only works in empty directories, we’ll use a temporary tmp/ directory and move the files to the web root when done. Open an SSH connection to your working Cloud instance and execute:


This will download the theme repository into a ~/www/tmp/ directory in the Cloud. Next, move the contents of tmp/ to the correct location under www/:

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Make sure the .git/ directory and files are moved under webroot www/ directory. Once you confirm the files and directories are in the right place, go ahead and remove the tmp/ directory with rm -rf ./tmp.

3. Add the upstream remote

This is the original project. Use its HTTPS clone URL from step 1 of this tutorial to set the remote upstream:

Working with your fork

Syncing is important, but how you sync depends on the state of your work: if you have made changes that have not been pushed, or if you are syncing ahead of starting work (no changes).

No changes: Sync the upstream remote to your fork

For the purposes of working with PRs, you should never commit directly to your master branch; for more information see the Feature Branches and Pull Requests: Walkthrough and Understanding the GitHub flow guides.

Before pushing any work to a feature branch, you should sync your local repository with the upstream. For more information on syncing forks see the Syncing a fork guide:

These commands are only needed when there is a differnce between the commit version in the upstream remote and your local fork. It will not hurt to run them every time though.

Local changes: Sync the upstream remote to your fork

The following commands create your local feature branch, and commits them to the local git repo.

Next, we sync upstream master branch with your fork.

Now, we sync the feature branch with any changes from the master branch of the fork from the previous merge step.

This may result in conflicts that will be noted. If there are conflicts, they must be resolved before you can continue. A conflict happens when two people change the same line of code. For information on resolving conflicts, please see Github’s guide to resolving conflicts.

Finally, we build all the changes into your working MODX instance with Gitify.

Double check to make sure the Theme and the changes still work as expected. Then commit them to your Github fork, where it can then be submitted as a PR to the original upstream project:

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Now submit the PR to the upstream project.

Submit a PR to the upstream project

D-link card reader driver download for windows 10. Open your fork on Github. There should be a notification about creating a PR from newly created branch. Click that and submit the PR to the appropriate branch, most likely master or as specified in the original repository README.

GitHub Notifications on your menu bar. Available on macOS, Windows and Linux. Gitify Mobile has been deprecated in favour of the official GitHub mobile app.


You can download Gitify for free from the website or install it via Homebrew Cask.

Gn resound as driver download. Gitify supports macOS, Windows and Linux.

Prerequisites & Libraries

  • Node 12+



Optional: If you prefer to use your own OAuth credentials, you can do so by passing them as environment variables when bundling the app. This is optional as the app has some default 'development' keys (use at your own discretion).

To watch for changes(webpack) in the src directory:

To run the electron app:


The release process is automated. Follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new draft release. Set the tag version to something with the format of v1.2.3. Save as a draft.
  2. Once everything is merged to main, create a branch that starts with release/vX.X.X (ie. release/v1.2.3).
  3. In the same branch, bump the version of the app in the package.json file and open a PR. GitHub Actions will build, sign and upload the release assets for each commit to that branch as long as a branch is named like release/vX.X.X and there is a draft release with the same version number(package.json).
  4. Merge your release branch into main.
  5. Publish the draft release once you've added notes to it and all assets are there.


Gitify Modx

There are 2 checks - one for prettier and one for the unit tests with jest.


My notifications aren't showing?

Some organisations require applications to request access before allowing access to any data (including notifications) about their repositories.


To check if Gitify is approved by your organisation you can go to, then click on Gitify and scroll to Organization access.

Something looks wrong - How can I debug?

You can debug Gitify by pressing alt + command + I. This will open the dev tools and then you can see any logs, network requests etc.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request
  6. Make sure tests are passing


Drivers hspadatacard modems. Gitify is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.